April 9, 2020

IGS Head of Software Engineering joins national call to arms against COVID-19 with Team Rubicon

Head of Software Engineering at IGS, Gordy Wills, has been deployed as part of UK-based disaster relief charity Team Rubicon's efforts to support the country through the challenges of COVID-19.

Written by
Georgia Lea
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The charity has 900 permanent volunteers, the majority of whom are veterans or ex-military. A former Royal Signals officer, Gordy is one of these so-called ‘grey shirt’ volunteers and has been called up to be part of the charity’s National Volunteer Co-ordination Cell.

Over the coming weeks, Gordy and his team will be working to establish where resources are available and coordinate this with where they are most needed to support the vulnerable or the isolated. This will involve working closely with local council emergency planners and local volunteer organisations to funnel resources to those most in need.

Projects already being undertaken as part of Team Rubicon’s ‘Op RE:ACT’ include delivering a million meals to NHS workers in Oxfordshire who are fighting against coronavirus and helping to feed vulnerable people in Surrey.

The charity has this week announced that it is hoping to recruit up to 40,000 additional veteran volunteers, and Gordy is urging others with additional resource to put themselves forward to help further this effort. He said: “We need help. Even if people volunteer themselves or their resource and we never tap them it helps – knowing you have a back-up is often all you require in order not to actually need it.”

IGS is pleased to support Gordy, and our team wishes him and all the brave members of Team Rubicon well, as they come together to help protect and save UK lives.

For more information about Team Rubicon, or to make a contribution towards the work the charity is doing, visit: https://www.teamrubiconuk.org/

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