Create the perfect growing climate for basil in an IGS vertical farm
Vertical farming technology
Find out more about growing basil vertically!

Find out how an IGS vertical farm gives you total control over your growing envinorment
Extreme weather and more hostile climate make growing in open field and glasshouses challenging and can result in increased costs and reduced harvests. Find out an IGS vertical farm gives you total control over your growing environment.
Three key challenges for basil growers
Pests and diseases
We supply better tools to local farmers, making them more efficient and helping them diversify their operations
Labour costs
Our crops are safe and nutritious. We eliminate pesticides and allow organic foods to become an affordable option.
Weather restrictions
From reducing food miles to power our farms with renewables, our technology helps enable a greener future.
How IGS has solved these challenges
Biosecure environment
There are multiple layers of control built into an IGS vertical farm to ensure your basil grows.
Reduced labour
Increased workflow and efficiency, less reliance on manual labour.
Constant conditions
No reliance on weather, IGS have created the perfect conditions for year round growing.
Benefits of IGS
Year-round, continuous production with payback periods in as little as 5 years.

Pesticide free
Our vertical farms are bio-secure so there is no need for pesticides to protect crops from pests and diseases.

Increased Yields
Crop growth cycles are 30-50% faster in an IGS Growth Tower, allowing you to flex to meet market demand.

Crop stability
Reduce losses associated with pests and unpredictable weather and achieve the desired crop profiles in a reliable, repeatable way.

Complete control
We've built the world's finest Total Controlled Environment Agriculture (TCEA) platform, delivering complete control over your growing environment.
Download our free e-guide
How an IGS vertical farm creates the perfect growing environment for basil
Why grow basil vertical?
Along side a consistent and repeatable yield, growing basil in a vertical farm can reduce both land and water use, increase crop quality and also benefit from reduced labour costs. Find out more and download our free e-guide today.